
Diego Bianchi, Miriam Cahn, Lei Gao, Prinz Gholam,

Guo Yingguang, Isa Melsheimer, Francisco Tropa,

Santiago de Paoli, Franz Erhard Walther

2023.3.18 - 2023.5.7

BROWNIE Project and Galerie Jocelyn Wolff is delighted to announce that the exhibition「Per-Form」will open on March 18, 2023 at BROWNIE Project Gallery. 「Per-Form」 is featuring 10 artists from Galerie Jocelyn Wolff and BROWNIE Project, with 25 pieces of artworks across different media and eras. From the 1960s historical artworks to recent ones, they collectively discuss when human is removed as the performer, how to reveal the performative nature of the artworks.

Installation View
